Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Feeling God's love through missionary work

Jenny is what missionaries call a "golden investigator". I didn't think I'd use that term until I was a missionary, but I have been! For the past few weeks I've been teaching with Elder Cruzate and Elder Jensen, the two missionaries here in my home ward. This opportunity arose when the ward mission leader approached me at church and said, "Tia, we have an investigator who really wants to be taught by sister missionaries, but we don't have sisters in this area, and so the elders have to teach her. I think she'll be more receptive if you are there as a pre-sister missionary helping the elders." I couldn't turn this down. Every day at work I see people and wonder how I could bring up the gospel to them. I finally had a missionary opportunity laid at my feet. A couple of times a week for the past 3 weeks I have been accompanying the Elders to teach Jenny, a 25 year old single mom. She is loving the simplicity of this church. She says something every lesson that shows she is already gaining her own testimony of the restored church. She used to be catholic and said that she would just go through the motions of the things they practice, but she can feel a difference in her heart as she attends our church, and partakes of the sacrament. Her baptism is scheduled for November 21st, because of family and friends who will be able to come. I will be in Utah that weekend and I can't believe I will have to miss it!!! :( We are trying to reschedule it, and I'm praying we can. Jenny will be the first member of her family and I know people are cheering this on on the other side of the veil. Last night after the lesson she and I walked to our cars and she hugged me and thanked me for teaching her. It is not me though, I know it's been the spirit that has taught her, through the missionaries and I. I love Jenny. I feel like God blesses us with this unconditional love for others when we are teaching of him and Jesus Christ. I also feel so incredibly lucky to have this teaching experience. God knew I needed it to help me feel confident in my decision to serve a mission. He really does know us and our needs. Jenny has been so thankful to me and the missionaries but she doesn't know how much she in turn is helping me prepare. I am beginning to realize the love I will have for my investigators and missionary work. I've wondered if it is the same love God has for us. Or maybe just a fragment of it. Real, pure, and plentiful.

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